Boot from USB if not supported by BIOS

Is it possible to boot from USB even it’s not supported by BIOS? Yes it is!
Recently I get to an ancient notebook (Acer Travelmate 2303), where USB booting from BIOS was not supported. I was wondering if some thing like BIOS update can fix it. In my case – it can’t. The options I have are: HDD, CD/DVD, Floppy or Network.

But I’ve found a very nice tool, which can add a booting option to the boot sequence. Thank you Elmar Hanlhofer!

OPTION 1 : Install to Boot menu on HDD

STEP 1: Download Software

To enable booting from an USB key, you will need to download a tool called Plop Boot Manager.

STEP 2: Extract and Install

Once the zip is downloaded extract the contest of the file anywhere in to the PC.

Once extracted just navigate to “Windows” folder and execute “InstallToBootMenu.bat”

You will get a black screen with a confirmation to install. Once all set few files will be saved onto HDD and the boot.ini file will be updated.

STEP 3: Reboot PC and select PLOP Boot Manager

Once all above done, you can restart your PC and you should be able to see Plop Boot Manager during booting of your laptop/pc.

Despite that the BIOS does not have the option, you’re now able to boot anything using the USB drive. Yay!

OPTION 2: Burn Live CD/DVD

STEP 1: Download Software

To enable booting from an USB key, you will need to download a tool called Plop Boot Manager.

STEP 2: Burn to CD/DVD

Once the download is finished, extract the downloaded file. You see the image file: plpbt.iso. Burn the image to a blank CD or DVD using whatever burning software you prefer.


Insert CD/DVD into your PC and enable booting from CD-ROM/DVD Drive

Running PLOP Boot Manager

Other options to start the Boot Manager

But you have more options to run it….

Do you prefer Floppy, PCMCIA card, LAN or something else? For more ways how to run the PLOP please visit link: LiveCD and other ways to start the Boot Manager


Resources/other sites

Plop Boot Manager
Boot from USB without BIOS Support via PLoP CD
Boot From a USB Drive Even if your BIOS Won’t Let You

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